I can use graphic novel terms an concepts to analyze character development and theme in Persepolis.

Hello everyone! You have a substitute today. Please be kind and helpful!
Do the following two things in class. Use your time wisely! Whatever you do not finish is homework and due at the beginning of next class.
- Read "The Soup" through "The Horse" (pp 155-206)
- Complete this (on binder paper)
Check in from last class.
- Read "The Soup" through "The Horse" (pp 155-206)
- Complete this (on binder paper)
- First half of Persepolis movie. What artistic choices do the filmmakers make? In what meaningful ways are the choices similar and different to those in the book?
- Turn in and Review HW
- Read "Hide and Seek" through "The Joke" (p.207-266) and complete questions.
- HW: Finish classwork
Finish reading Persepolis! (Due Monday)