- 15 minutes: Silent Reading
- 15 minutes: Finish posters! Due at the end of the period
- Due next class: finish reading CH 2
Do Now:
Turn in RSVP's to England & Scotland meeting.
"Salvador Late or Early" -What is the most important piece of evidence in this poem? What does it show us about Salvador? Create a Turnitin Account (or use an existing one). Go to Turnitin.com. Create an account. Use your school email and login (so you don't forget it). Add yourself to our class. (See the Class ID and code in the sidebar on the right.) Complete a (revised) two chunk paragraph- Who is Salvador? Begin reading "Rules of the Game" HW: Finish reading "Rules of the Game" Star Testing!
Please get a chromebook. I will post login instructions once everyone is settled in. When you are done with the test, close the chromebook and quietly work on something else. Do not put the chromebook away.
"Salvador Late or Early"
Do Now:
SyllabusImportant Codes:TurnItIn:
Class ID: 18981061 Code: MSHS18/19 Archives |